RChen 发表于 2019-10-4 19:14:32

帮助朋友找室友-Finding roommates

Hey all! I’m currently looking for one apartment mate for the 2020-2021 school term. Please read carefully if you are interested.
The apartment will be Vic Village, either the 2A or 2B floorplan. Pricing is $1650 (2A) or $1670 (2B) per month and utilities will cost around $50 per month.
Now, the important details: ideal characteristics and personality.
Looking for someone who is responsible, organized, clean (OCD clean levels), and mindful.
Cleanliness of common spaces (kitchen, living room, dining area) is crucial. Looking for someone who is responsible enough to clean up after their own mess and their guests' mess.
Quiet and peace. I’d prefer someone who is rather introverted and doesn’t make much of a nuisance. I’m an extremely light sleeper, so absolutely no loud noises during quiet hours, starting 12:00 AM. If you do bring guests, please do so during the day and before midnight. If they leave common areas dirty, it is your responsibility to clean up after them.
Respect. Please be mindful of each other. If you do have to wake up early, please make sure you don’t slam doors and try to make your breakfast as quietly as possible. I’ll make sure to do the same if I have to wake up early and you’re still sleeping. Same thing applies if you’re staying up late. With my current experiences at an apartment, I can hear everything you do in the living room, even you walking around.
Organization. Between you and I, we’ll have a set of rules that must be followed. Most of my rules/requirements are listed above, but please inform me of your rules and requirements.
Ideal temperature for the A/C to be 70 F.
No sharing of kitchen hardware. Includes: pans, pots, silverware, etc. I’ll have my own set and I expect you to have your own as well.
About me:
I’m an international student from Chile, planning on studying CS through LSA. Currently a sophomore, 19 years old. I’m very quiet and I’ll rarely bring people to the apartment. If I do bring people, they won’t stay past midnight. I strive to maintain a clean and organized living environment. I’m also an extremely light sleeper, as mentioned before. Even hearing you walk in the living room with my door closed is enough to wake me up. Roommates cooking breakfast will certainly wake me up. Willing to follow any rules you establish as long as it doesn’t interfere with the characteristics/qualities I’m looking for. More than willing to live in a substance-free environment (no alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, or drugs).
Information about Vic Village
Top tier gym, only gym in an apartment so far that has a free barbell.
Ridiculously close to campus.
Has pretty much all amenities other apartment complexes have.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me (734 881 4111, William Zhang)

RChen 发表于 2019-10-4 19:15:46

请直接联系: +1 734 881 4111
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